International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Meaning and Themes of Malay Culture in Modern Paintings: An Analysis of Works by 3 Local Painters

Open access
This study delves into the symbolic significance of Malay culture-themed paintings within modern Malaysian art. Employing a qualitative descriptive approach and Panofsky's Iconography Theory, it specifically focuses on pre-iconography, iconography, and iconology. Analyzing three distinct artworks - 'Ketam Rumah Datuk' by Zaim Durulaman, 'Friday Morning' by Kow Leong Kiang, and 'Cabinet Series X' by Ahmad Shukri Mohamad - the research uncovers rich layers of meaning. In 'Ketam Rumah Datuk,' symbols such as the Malay house, crab, and boat embody core Malay cultural values, including protection, social hierarchy, and livelihood. 'Friday Morning' intricately portrays familial bonds, creative expression, religious modesty, and entrepreneurial spirit through the portrayal of two Malay girls. Meanwhile, 'Cabinet Series X' intricately weaves symbols like deer antlers, wooden and pottery containers, and clocks, representing concepts such as protection, aesthetic beauty, and punctuality. Through meticulous analysis, this study sheds light on the profound depth of meaning embedded within these artworks, offering insights into the cultural fabric of Malaysia.
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