International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Challenges in Inheritance of Ketupat Palas Weaving as a Malay Heritage Festival Food Among the Millennials

Open access

Alina Shuhaida Mohammad Ramly, Noor Syafiqah Yusli, Nur Nabilah Mohammad Shafii, Noriza Ishak, Zaliha Zainuddin

Pages 520-530 Received: 01 Mar, 2023 Revised: 01 Apr, 2023 Published Online: 01 May, 2023
Ketupat palas, a cherished Malay dish, consists of glutinous rice and coconut milk cooked to perfection. It is prepared using palas leaves, which are intricately woven into a triangular shape before cooking. This traditional dish is typically served during Malay festivals like Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adha, accompanied by an assortment of delicious rendang. The art of ketupat weaving, however, is no simple feat and must be passed down from generation to generation. For millennials, there appears to be a gap in transferring this knowledge and skill. This study aims to examine the challenges in preserving the ketupat weaving tradition among millennials in Malay culture. A survey of 150 respondents on social media revealed that many millennials either lack the weaving skills or are completely unaware of how to weave ketupat. Several factors contribute to this, such as the absence of knowledgeable mentors to teach the skill, even if there is interest in learning. Other obstacles include time constraints and the limited availability of expert weavers nearby. The findings of this study hold significance for Malay heritage food enthusiasts and relevant authorities, such as the Department of National Heritage. In order to ensure that the art of ketupat palas weaving is passed down among millennials, initiatives like campaigns, competitions, and demonstrations should be implemented.
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