International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


QR Code Usage at Dataran Merdeka KL QR Trail: A Start to Smart Tourism Destinations

Open access
This study assesses the application of the QR code in the tourism industry by focusing on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis based on the sustainability aspects of the Dataran Merdeka KL QR trail. The SWOT analysis was done based on on-site observation and interviews. We found the KL QR trail has a lot of strengths, especially its location and historical values that will remain in history. However, the lack of promotional activities constitutes the weak side of the trail. Regarding the opportunities, collaborations and product enhancement should be considered. Vandalism, unforeseen weather conditions, and the emergence of new technology pose a threat to the trail. As for the sustainability aspects, financial support, job opportunities, and the Sustainable Development Goals Centre (SDGs) constitute the strengths, while insufficient funds, safety risks, and limited garbage disposable bins represent the weaknesses. However, numerous opportunities like internship programs or educational courses, developing a recycling hub, and environmental campaigns were feasible. Notably, funding issues, leakage, loss of job opportunities, and environmental degradation were a few identified threats. This study’s findings generate significant information concerning smart tourism and Malaysia’s destination, allowing tourism providers and future scholars to comprehend its implication for the advancement of the smart tourism industry. This paper is one of the first to evaluate the QR code application and sustainability aspects of tourism trail.
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