International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Self-Hisbah Approach as an Islamic Psychotherapy Intervention for Behavioral Addiction: A Literature Review

Open access

Muhammad Danish Rif’qi Lukman, Zuraimy Ali, Afiffudin Mohammed Noor, Noraini Ismail, Nadiyah Hashim, Che Zarrina Sa’ari, Mohammad Aziz Shah Mohamed Arip

Pages 124-134 Received: 01 May, 2023 Revised: 03 May, 2023 Published Online: 04 Jun, 2023
The use of the self-hisbah as an Islamic psychotherapy intervention in dealing with the behavioral addiction is often debated among intellectuals. It is an Islamic self-monitoring method to controlling oneself from doing evil things and giving the motivation to do good things. The concept is one of the tazkiyyah al-nafs practices guided by al-Quran and as-Sunnah. It is highlighted by scholars and is effective in helping individuals facing spiritual, mental, or physical health problems. The strength of the self-hisbah approach with the concept of amar makruf (invite goodness) and nahi munkar (prevent evil) and the motivation of soul purification born from the will and will of an individual without coercion has made this approach a good alternative for the psychological treatment of behavioral addiction problems. Therefore, this article debates self-hisbah in-depth based on a literature review. The review explores the concept and the application of this approach from the definition, process, and implementation as an alternative to behavioral addiction psychotherapy which is a worldwide issue nowadays.
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