International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Assessment of the Reasonability of the Division of Hadith Knowledge Into RIWAYAH and DIRAYAH

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This article talks about the propriety of dividing Hadith Science into Riw?yah Hadith Science and Dir?yah Hadith Science and its effect on the understanding of Hadith Science, especially for beginners. After the death of the Prophet peace be upon him, when the hadith began to reach the tabi'?n generation (the generation after the companions) and the path of the hadith was getting longer, there was a reaction in evaluating the continuity hadith to Rasulullah peace be upon him or called the validity of hadith. The focus of Hadith Science is directed at two main aspects, namely identifying the authenticity of hadith and understanding the meaning and law contained in hadith. The author has used the library method in researching the views of hadith scholars on the matter. This research involves a collection of some textbooks, Journals, articles, virtual resources and internet access. The purpose of this design is to provide several comparisons of several existing theories. The research results show that the Science of Hadith is divided into several parts that are more helpful in giving an overview of the nature of the Science of Hadith which includes aspects of the chain of transmission, matan, narration, narrators and the status of hadith in addition to facilitating the process of understanding more accurately. Special knowledge about riw?yah or narration does exist and it is one of the five main hadith sciences, which are narrators, narration, the chain of transmission, matan and hadith status. Thus, dividing Hadith Science into only two, i.e. riw?yah and dir?yah, can confuse understanding Hadith Science. Thus, the appropriateness of its division into Riwayah and Dirayah Hadith Science can be disputed or re-evaluated. For further studies, researcher can studies on five main hadith sciences, which are narrators, narration, the chain of transmission, matan and hadith status.

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