International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Conceptual Framework For Sustainable Development Of Cultural Landscapes In Traditional Villages In Yunnan, China In The Context Of Rural Revitalization

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The revitalization strategy for rural areas in China since the 19th National Congress has sparked a renewed recognition and discussion about rural cultural landscape heritage. As a form of World Heritage, cultural landscapes have become connected to production systems and living spaces, emerging as a crucial theme in the study of traditional villages worldwide. Researchers from various disciplines have explored the cultural landscapes of traditional This study focuses on the new insights into rural cultural landscape heritage that have emerged following the rural revitalization strategy initiated after the 19th National Congress of China. Particularly in Yunnan, the rise of rural tourism has posed challenges of spatial and cultural alienation to the cultural landscapes of traditional villages. The research delves into the complexities behind these challenges, striving to identify sustainable models that balance tradition with modernity, and conservation with development. Through an in-depth analysis of relevant literature, the researchers have developed a comprehensive framework for the "Sustainable Development of Cultural Landscape Heritage of Traditional Villages in Yunnan". This framework is more than a theoretical construct?it offers a new perspective for understanding and promoting the sustainable development of cultural landscapes in Yunnan and other similar areas. It also provides valuable guidance for the economic and cultural preservation of local communities, serving as an important reference for the future expansion of rural cultural landscapes.
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