This study examines the readiness for artificial intelligence (AI) adoption among faculty and administrative staff in Chinese higher education institutions, employing the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as the guiding framework. Initiated by progressive governmental policies such as the ‘New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan’ (AIDP), China has rapidly embraced AI to stimulate economic growth and technological innovation. Despite substantial investments and infrastructural enhancements, a notable gap remains in the preparedness of academic professionals to integrate AI tools into their daily practices. This research investigates how key TPB variables—attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control—influence the behavioural intentions toward AI adoption. A cross-sectional survey design was utilized, with structured questionnaires distributed among faculty and administrative staff, and the data analyzed using regression models and analysis of variance. The findings reveal that a positive attitude toward AI adoption is the strongest predictor of behavioural intention, followed by the influence of subjective norms, while perceived behavioural control exerts a moderate effect. Additionally, demographic analysis indicates that work experience significantly moderates AI adoption intentions, whereas gender and institutional role do not yield statistically significant differences. These findings support the recommendation for targeted digital literacy programs and technical training, while emphasizing the need for further research to continuously adapt AI integration strategies in evolving educational environments.
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