International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring Psychosocial Family Issue Related High-Risk Sex Involvement Among Female Adolescents

Open access

Norulhuda Sarnon, Salina Nen, Nor Jana Saim, Fauziah Ibrahim, Ezarina Zakaria, Chong Sheau Tsuey

Pages 943-958 Received: 15 Apr, 2021 Revised: 17 May, 2021 Published Online: 18 Jun, 2021
Sex among the adolescent always is subject of concern because of its huge impact on public health as well as environmental changes that are always taking a risk on them. This research aims to explore family psychosocial issues among female adolescents engaged in high-risk sexual behaviour. This qualitative research used in-depth interviews and purposive sampling techniques. A total of 39 female adolescents who had involved in sex, aged 18 years agreed to share their experience and were interviewed in this research. Many of them have divorce family background, conflicts and lives with other family members. This research identified the five main themes of the family psychosocial issue is seen to be related to high-risk sexual behaviour namely wide open family boundaries, permissive parenting style, a negative experience in the family, maladaptive responses, absence of role-model. There are informants who engage in sex after being sexually abused that lead to sexual addiction. The findings of this study also show that adolescent has good knowledge of pregnancy prevention. The result of this research point out the importance of parents as a role model, give attention to the adolescent crises and strengthen family harmony to ensure adolescents not seeking attention from harmful sexual activity.
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In-Text Citation: (Sarnon et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Sarnon, N., Nen, S., Saim, N. J., Ibrahim, F., Zakaria, E., & Tsuey, C. S. (2021). Exploring Psychosocial Family Issue Related High-Risk Sex Involvement Among Female Adolescents. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 943–958.