The current Covid-19 pandemic has affected human life in a significant way. Governments worldwide have imposed several intervention strategies to contain the spread of virus infections, including restrictions to e-hailing services. These months of mobility restrictions have affected the overall e-hailing preference and greatly impacted thousands of e-hailing drivers' incomes. Hence, the major challenge in restoring the pre-pandemic normalcy in e-hailing service could be overcome by understanding the factors influencing the user's adoption. Therefore, using a purposive sampling technique, this quantitative study is conducted to identify the effects of knowledge about e-hailing operations, attitude towards e-hailing apps, perception on e-hailing operational characteristics, and preference for alternative travel modes, towards intention to adopt e-hailing service amongst 415 urban residents in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The results showed that compatibility, safety, and alternative travel mode of rail and private car were the significant factors that determine the intention to adopt e-hailing services. These findings will help government agencies restore e-hailing operations' ability to fulfil their societal roles by paying close attention to what consumers need in adopting their transportation desires.
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In-Text Citation: (Daud et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Daud, A., Omar, M. K., & Yusoff, R. M. (2021). Understanding the Determinants of E-hailing Service Adoption in Restoring Pre-Pandemic Normalcy. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 814–821.
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