International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Understanding Urban Chinese Primary School Pupils’ Language Learning Strategies For Listening And Speaking

Open access

Pang Wan Ji, Farouk Rupiwin, Chua Pei Chia, Koet Tian Wei, Noor Iylia Abu Bakar, Harwati Hashim

Pages 568-582 Received: 10 Apr, 2021 Revised: 12 May, 2021 Published Online: 14 Jun, 2021
Many studies have shown the effectiveness of language learning strategies by second language learners. However, only a few studies explored language learning strategies used by primary school pupils, especially in improving their listening and speaking skills. This study aims to identify language learning strategies used by Year 6 ESL learners to improve their listening and speaking skills. This study employed a quantitative method. A total of 40 pupils from Year 6 pupils in an urban Chinese Type Primary School in Penang, Malaysia were selected using a convenience sampling technique. The questionnaires were adapted from the Young Learners' Language Strategy Use Survey (Cohen and Oxford, 2002), focusing on listening and speaking skills. The findings show that the respondents use language learning strategies in learning English specifically for listening and speaking skills. Although different learners used different language strategies, there are some strategies that are used by most of them. This shows that the learners adopt some language learning strategies in learning English without being aware of it. Thus, teachers should play a role in guiding them to make use of these strategies effectively in acquiring the English language.
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In-Text Citation: (Ji et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ji, P. W., Rupiwin, F., Chia, C. P., Wei, K. T., Bakar, N. I. A., & Hashim, H. (2021). Understanding Urban Chinese Primary School Pupils’ Language Learning Strategies For Listening And Speaking. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 568–582.