This study aims to analyze food expenditure among the community in Perak. There are three objectives targeted in this study including: 1) identify the level of food expenditure, 2) identify the relationship between demographic factors with food expenditure and 3) analyze the factors influencing food expenditure. This quantitative study used a set of questionnaire as an instrument to obtain the necessary information. A total of 206 respondents were involved in this study through snowball sampling. All selected respondents were heads of families living in the state of Perak. Descriptive analysis showed that the mean food expenditure was RM1,301.89. In addition, the findings of the study also showed that there was significant relationship between age and education with food expenditure. The significance value was 0.05, multiple regression analysis showed that consciousness, personal and religious factors were significantly positive while social factors were significantly negative. Media was found as the only factor that was not significant. In conclusion, food spending in the state of Perak is high and this situation is driven by many factors. This included the supply of food at affordable prices, the function of the authorities to promote food, high supply of ready and unfinished food and so on. The implications of the study have highlighted the importance of expenditure planning especially to every head of the family. This is important to ensure that the residents in Perak have sufficient knowledge on the selection of good healthy foods.
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In-Text Citation: (Yin & Hadi, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Yin, C. F., & Hadi, F.-S. A. (2021). Analysis of Food Expenditure in Perak. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 337–350.
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