International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Evaluating Teaching Workload of Academic Staff for Optimum and Effective Use of Expertise Resources

Open access

Abdul Rahim Razalli, Kamarulzaman Kamaruddin, Ong Eng Tek, Wong Kung Teck, Nurul Ain Mohd Daud

Pages 12-23 Received: 02 Apr, 2021 Revised: 05 May, 2021 Published Online: 01 Jun, 2021
This study is to identify teaching workload of academic staff based on teaching load and ratio of academic staff and students to optimize and enhance the use of expertise resources for academic staff at Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI). The study is quantitative in design with data provided by the Academic Affairs Division (AAD) and the Institute of Graduate Studies (IPS). The study sample involved all UPSI academic staff involving 9 faculties for study semesters of 171 and 172. The study found that the teaching load for both semesters exceeds 50 percent of the teaching load or 20.9 hours from 40 hours of weekly workload. Findings on ratio of 1:30 academic staff with students for the diploma program found that three diploma programs were still short of lecturers and seven programs were found to have extra lecturers for semester 172 and semester 171. For the Bachelor's degree program with a ratio of 1:25 of lecturers and students found 31 programs from 23 departments short of lecturers while 8 departments have extra lecturers. With a ratio of 1:20 graduate programs (masters) it was found that 14 programs from 24 departments were still short of lecturers and 10 departments with extra lecturers for semester 172. As for semester 171, there are 16 departments still short of lecturers and 8 departments with extra lecturers. Implications of the study indicate imbalance of amount in teaching load and the non-compliance of ratio value between lecturers and students that could hamper efforts taken by UPSI to optimize and strengthen the use of existing expertise resources.
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In-Text Citation: (Razalli et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Razalli, A. R., Kamaruddin, K., Tek, O. E., Daud, ong K. T., & Mohd, N. A. (2021). Evaluating Teaching Workload of Academic Staff for Optimum and Effective Use of Expertise Resources. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 12–23.