The development in today’s education has made the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) a necessity, especially in generating skillful and trained workers who may enhance the country’s international industrial competitiveness. Numerous institutions have gained recognition from the Department of Skills Development as recognized centers to provide skills trainings that offer Malaysian Skill Certificate for courses as listed by National Occupational Skills Standard. These institutions become a platform for individuals from various backgrounds (including the disabled) to prepare themselves for their career advancement. To those disabled individuals, having a career is essential as to ensure their own life survival, besides meeting their life aims. Therefore, through the Malaysian Plan of Action for People with Disabilities 2016-2022, the effort of Social Welfare Department Malaysia to empower the career transition program in educational institutions, particularly in providing skills training vividly portrays the important role of educators in guiding the disabled to create their career path.
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In-Text Citation: (Anal et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Anal, A., Ahmad, N. A., & Hassan, M. K. C. (2021). Empowering A Career Transition Program Among Disabled Students: The Educators’ Experience. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 581–586.
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