International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Relationship between Lg120 Students’ Personality Traits and Their Character Preferences in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ by Oscar Wilde

Open access

Siti Zarikh Sofiah Abu Bakar, Haniza Sarijari, Dia Widyawati Amat, Zuraidah Sumery, Diana Othman, Fairuz Husna Mohd Yusof

Pages 543-555 Received: 21 May, 2021 Revised: 23 Jun, 2021 Published Online: 28 Jul, 2021
Literary appreciations are people’s responses about works of literature, whether they are formal or informal reviews, laymen or scholars (Pope, 1998 as cited in Ghabanchi & Doost, 2012). Thus, it is a subjective matter that requires no definite answer scheme in literature class. Students are free to interpret and explain the subject based on their opinion and understanding inasmuch as it revolves around that assigned literary work. The similar idea is practised by LG120 (Diploma in English for Professional Communication) students from UiTM (Universiti Teknologi MARA) Cawangan Johor, Segamat campus, in their Introduction to Literature (ALS103) class. As expected, various interpretations and answers produced, which directly or indirectly challenge the teachers in responding to them. Since students possess different personalities, this study should help the teachers to prepare themselves in formulating their responses too. Therefore, this study is keen to investigate the potential relationship between personal traits namely introversion, extroversion and ambiversion and the students’ literary appreciation on a play entitled ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ by Oscar Wilde which focuses on the character preferences. The study involved 17 LG120 Semester 1 students from UiTM Johor, Segamat campus. A mixed-method sequential explanatory study involving quantitative; questionnaires on the personality traits and qualitative; online interview on character preferences approach was utilised. The quantitative data obtained from the questionnaires on their personality traits were analysed using SPSS for frequencies which then be paired together with the data obtained from the online interview, and were analysed using Pearson’s r to measure the relationship between the students’ personality traits and their character preferences. As previous literatures have listed significant relationship between roughly comparable variables, this study expects to venture the parallel findings.
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In-Text Citation: (Bakar et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Bakar, S. Z. S. A., Sarijari, H., Amat, D. W., Sumery, Z., & Othman, D. (2021). The Relationship between Lg120 Students’ Personality Traits and Their Character Preferences in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ by Oscar Wilde. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 543–555.