A mosque is one of the many respected places of praying for the Muslims. It is one of rendezvous used by the Muslims for religious occasion like sermons, meetings and more. Nations around the world each has their own design to the pulpit of the mosques, basing on their own culture and ethnicity. Terengganu is one of the states in Malaysia that has possession a variety of unique and interesting carvings on a mosque’s pulpits. The study aims to analyses the symbolism of pulpit stairs in a mosque in Terengganu. To clarify this point, a qualitative descriptive study with cultural approach is used. Interviews and observation methods were used in obtaining the data either written and visual image photo. The research found that the pulpit stairs are situated on the thigh part or leg according to human body structure. All stairs built in olden days and present time are situated on the front, right side of the pulpit. In addition, the number of stairs is usually in odd numbers, which is in line with Islamic values. However, there are also pulpit stairs at present which uses even numbers. All stairs built on the pulpit carries meaning which is related to human daily life that glorifies Allah SWT’s greatness. The products of these wood carvings are evidence of the Malay’s craftsmanship that should be preserved. It is hoped that this research would provide information to the public of the importance of preserving cultural heritage that gave identity to an ethnicity.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail & Haron, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, N. H., & Haron, H. (2021). Symbolism in Pulpit Stairs of Terengganu New Mosque. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1208–1217.
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