In Malaysian education system, English is taught as a second language, but the reality may not be true for some learners. Consequently, code-switching is inevitable among bilinguals teachers as they are used to maintain communication where L1 and L2 are used for different purposes in ESL classroom. Only a few studies were done to discover the code-switching functions among in-service teachers in English language classrooms which lead to aims of the present study. Code-switching is beneficial in ESL classrooms and teachers should know when and how it is best used. This is a survey study that utilized questionnaires as an instrument to collect data. A total of forty-two in-service English teachers currently studying at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia were chosen as the participants. The participants are chosen through purposive sampling because they are all English teachers teaching in ESL classrooms. The results suggested that the teachers have mixed perceptions on the use of code-switching. Furthermore, they advocated for judicious use of code-switching besides using it to help low proficiency learners. This perception further influences their use of code-switching where it was revealed that the teachers use code-switching mostly to help learners understand lesson content. Future research should focus on determining the correlation between teaching experience and the use of code-switching.
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In-Text Citation: (Raki & Sulaima, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Raki, D. A., & Sulaima, N. A. (2021). Code-Switching Practice in English Language Classrooms among Malaysian Teachers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 486–500.
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