The purpose of this paper is to focus on distributed leadership in District Education Office and explore the impact arising from this practice of leadership for those in formal leadership positions towards District Education Office (PPD) Performance. The “6’s shifts” of the Malaysian Education Development Plan (PPPM) 2013-2025 aims to empower JPNs, PPDs and schools to customize solutions based on need and also to improve the access, quality, equity, unity and effectiveness of the delivery system to implement better policies. In studying the relationship between distributive leadership synergy with organizational performance, PPD organizational performance is measured through verification of PPD Excellence Rating based on three dimensions namely 1) leadership, 2) organization, and 3) output. The paper draws upon a wide range of research literature to explore the available empirical evidence about distributed leadership and organizational outcomes. The analysis focuses particularly on the evidence based concerning distributed leadership and District Education Office excellence. This analysis of the available evidence highlights the potential for distributed leadership to make a difference to organizational change and improvement. It suggests that principals need to relinquish power and authority; that there is an inevitable shift away from leadership as position to leadership as interaction and that principals will need to build a high degree of reciprocal trust to negotiate successfully the fault lines of formal and informal leadership practice. The paper contributes a contemporary overview of literature about the impact of distributed leadership and analysis the implications for the role of the District Education Office performance. So, the indicator of change in this concept paper such as input, activities, output, outcome and impact will be the fundamental aspect to enhance PPD’s empowerment as a learning organization and continuous professional development. This study contributes to existing knowledge by practicing distributive leadership and its impact on PPD excellence ratings in the state of Kelantan. In addition, this study has important implications in understanding the synergy of distributive leadership in education management in Malaysia in general.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, Z., Amin, W. A. A. W. M., & Derahman, A. (2021). The Synergy of Distributed Leadership towards District Education Office Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 353–360.
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