International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric Cantilever for Energy Harvesting Application by Using Taguchi Method

Open access
Piezoelectric element is one of the best innovation and technologies to be utilized in energy harvesting to produce electrical energy from vibrations. It can give a perfect and independent arrangement solution that can be stored and used to power some wireless sensors, electronic device, and other low-power applications. With this goal in mind, a design and optimization of piezoelectric cantilever beam for energy harvesting has been developed. The focus of this paper is to discuss the design and optimization of piezoelectric cantilever beam by using Taguchi method for determine the optimal design parameters. For this study, the design of the bimorph piezoelectric harvester was performed by COMSOL software. Three parameters which are load resistance, width and length of piezoelectric cantilever has been considered. The parameters were optimized by using L16 orthogonal array Taguchi method. Optimization results showed that load resistance, width and length were found to be 10k?, 17mm, and 23mm respectively. The optimized outputs are 1.78mW electrical power at 5.97V for resonant frequency of 65Hz.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail & Husaini, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, M. H. Bin, & Husaini, Y. (2021). Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric Cantilever for Energy Harvesting Application by Using Taguchi Method. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 145–154.