The development of the world of education requires teachers to play a more creative role and not be tied to one way in implementing Teaching and Learning (TL). In this regard, teachers must be wise to change their attitudes and self-practices to face any changes in line with the transformation of the current education system. Therefore, awareness and importance of the practice of creativity in teaching should be given priority and developed comprehensively by diversifying strategic approaches and techniques of TL delivery. This study aims to develop and validate the Engineering Drawing Teacher Creativity Practice Framework (CPT-ED) Implementing TL. To complement this study, a mixed approach (Mixed Method) was an option in the design of the study. Sequential Mixed Methods of Exploration to explore constructs, sub-constructs and elements of the CPT-ED Framework Implement TL at the qualitative study phase stage. However, this study only focuses on the quantitative phase, which is to develop and validate the research framework by using two data analysis methods, namely Exploration Factor Analysis (EFA) and Validation Factor Analysis (CFA) which are analyzed using IBM-SPSS AMOS 23 software. The data was collected using a six-point Likert scale questionnaire from 300 teachers comprising ED teachers at nine SMTs across Malaysia and teachers who taught Technical Communication Graphics (TCG) subjects on Secondary School Day in Malaysia. Sternberg's Theory of Creativity is used as a reference for the development of research frameworks. This research highlights how teachers' creative practices in implementing TL improve the effectiveness and smoothness of the overall teaching process and provide a meaningful experience to students. The findings of the study show that there are three sub-constructs and eleven elements of the TL of CPT-ED Implementation. The findings also show that the listed CPT-ED Implementation TL framework has met the appropriate model characteristics and has been validated. This study was conducted because of the importance of creativity in teaching as well as the need for guidance and reference for creative teaching practices, especially for the subject of Engineering Drawing (ED) based on the research problems that have been identified.
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