International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Study on Ghanima and Fai’ as Warfare Property of Early Islam: The First Twenty Three Years

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This article sheds light on these issues from several angles, explaining the content and development of the notion ghanima and fai’, its usage in Islamic law, and giving a short overview of the development and sources of the warfare property in Islamic history. Analysis done towards the texts of the Quran and hadiths show that Muslims who were involved in wars are given a special rights to own a predetermined rate of portion from ghanima and fai’. This privilege, however should not be given a narrow interpretation, for example assuming Islam only cares about wealth or that Muslims are greedy as they are willing to struggle to join the battle just to get that privilege. The philosophy behind it is to give motivation in the battles of jihad al-qital, plays an important role to help the economy of Muslims who sacrificed a lot materially, and to avoid arguments among Muslims because the distribution has become final. This philosophy indirectly denies the negative assumption that Muslims who were involved in wars are materialistic. The article concludes that the matter of ghanima and fai’ shows that Islam has set methods and guidelines to managing the financial gains of a country, as well as, ownership rights of individual wealth.
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In-Text Citation: (Sharif & Abdullah, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Sharif, M. F. M., & Abdullah, A. (2021). A Study on Ghanima and Fai’ as Warfare Property of Early Islam: The First Twenty Three Years. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 647– 658.