International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effect of Google Classroom-Assisted Learning on Self-Efficacy among Form Six Economics Students

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Malaysia is committed to intensifying digital services to satisfy the demands and needs of today’s society. The Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) (2020-2022) was launched to concentrate on home learning needs by expanding broadband access with more reliable internet coverage as one of the national agendas. Google Classroom is one of the learning management system applications that are the top choice employed in Malaysia. The application enables communication and discussion facilities to facilitate students to perform collaborative learning. Earlier collaborative learning researchers have often examined its influence on academic achievement. Nevertheless, it leaves the question of to which extent Google Classroom’s collaborative learning approach impacts economics students’ self-efficacy. This research intended to test the effect of Google Classroom-assisted learning on the self-efficacy of economics students. This quasi-experimental study employed pre-questionnaires and post-questionnaires instruments to collect data on 207 Form Six economics students through random cluster sampling. Descriptive analysis (frequency, percentage, and mean) and ANOVA inference were performed after data were collected and coded. The results validated that the experimental group of students exposed to the collaborative approach (GCDK) presented better self-efficacy on economic learning than those not exposed to the collaborative approach (GCTK and KPK). It is recommended that future researchers attend further studies to recognise the relationship between the variables of self-efficacy and student achievement in the Google Classroom-assisted learning environment. In addition, the researchers performed Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis to acknowledge possible bias items based on demographic factors. This study motivates teachers to consider the implementation of this learning approach in enhancing student effectiveness. Besides, policymakers should concentrate on the readiness of teachers and students to regard the digital learning environment as a new norm in today’s life.
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In-Text Citation: (Sari & Yin, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Sari, N. M., & Yin, K. Y. (2021). The Effect of Google Classroom-Assisted Learning on Self-Efficacy among Form Six Economics Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 1809–1824.