Joint ownership is sharing ownership on a particular property either between two or more co-owners. As co-owners, they have equal rights on the property, primarily agricultural land, either to benefit or dispose of the land. However, there are some problems in the governance of joint ownership of agricultural land. Among the issues are that some owners do not know which side they own, the responsibility to pay rent, and profit distribution when authorities are going to take part of the land, especially when there is a conflict. This study aims to resolve the problems and underline a shariah-based model to handle and manage the joint ownership of agricultural land. The methodology used in this study is a mixed methodology involving library and field research. All discourses related to this matter will be pondered with the views of Islamic scholars and recent practitioners. Thus, all analyses and recommendations are a solution between theory and practice. The implications of this study will reveal the alternative way to resolve problems that occur in joint ownership of agricultural land, especially that impact a social, developmental, and economic point of view. In the finding, this study will propose a shariah-based model that can help address these problems. Hopefully, this study can positively impact the joint owners in terms of their welfare and benefit the economic value of the estate. Ultimately, cooperation between joint-owners is essential to ensure that all planning and management of agricultural properties can continue. The success of the collaboration is not only benefits co-owners future but on the economic value of the land-site as the capital.
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In-Text Citation: (Sulong & Taha, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Sulong, J., & Taha, M. M. (2021). Joint-Ownership on Agricultural Land: A Case Study on Muamalah Contracts and The Shariah Model. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 1211–1223.
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