Islam highly emphasises on life preservation as dictated in maqasid syariat and rejects any harm. One of the forms of harm rejection is by having immunisation. Immunisation is a method of prevention method for dangerous illnesses proved effective though activation of body’s immunity opposing contagious disease. However, effectiveness for mass protection of disease and total disease eradication can only be achieved through total participation of community for establishment of herd immunity. History proved that polio and smallpox has been eradicated at global level through comprehensive access of immunisation. Unfortunately, recently there is a group who reject and even anti to vaccine until the world re-experience spread of diseases that are nearly vanished such as diptheria, pertussis, measles, and rubella, besides diseases such as pneumococcal and meningococcal that have not been vaccinised completely yet. This study aims to elaborate on the need of establishing immunisation policy by the government side viewed from Syariah perspective. Methodology of this study is of qualitative research. Data were obtained through document analysis by referring to books of fiqh, maqasid, qawaid fiqhiyyah and current fatwas together with statistics and guidelines from world and Malaysian health agency. Interview method with informants who are expertises in both medical and Syariah field and also medical authority was performed. Data collected were analysed and elaborated through inductive, deductive, extractive and comparative methods to achieve the determined objectives. This study found that vaccine taking by every Muslim individual to form herd immunity to protect Muslim community is an action necessary of obligation among the citizens, looking at its great benefit to the citizens at this time. Siyasah Syariyyah principle also demands that ‘action of ruler to his people must be based on maslahah and it can be made reference for the ruler in enforcing mandatory immunization policy’.
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In-Text Citation: (Ibrahim & Zaini, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ibrahim, B. bin, & Zaini, A. F. bin M. (2021). Mandatory Immunisation Policy by Ruler from Syariah Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 456–466.
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