International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Heritage Tourism and Its Impact on The Local Communities: A Case Study in Ranau, Sabah

Open access

Nurulhuda Mohamad Yusof, Er, A.C, Ummuliyana Halim, Nurul Misha Hanysha Halimin, Nurul Misha Hanysha Halimin, Noordeyana Tambi, Nurul Fadilah Mohd. Nawi

Pages 1710-1735 Received: 06 Oct, 2021 Revised: 09 Nov, 2021 Published Online: 22 Dec, 2021
This research discusses the six (6) elements of tourism destinations and their impacts on local communities in Ranau, Sabah. The elements are attractions, accessibility, amenities, available packages, activities and ancillary services. A total of 200 respondents were involved in this survey based on a set of questionnaires. The results indicated that there are six elements of tourism destination in the study area and the most prominent element is the attraction element as it potentially enhances awareness on the conservation of the cultural and social heritage among the local community. The results of this research are beneficial to all stakeholders, especially the Government, tourism-related industry, the hospitality industry, and the local community to improve the performance of the elements at the destination. Overall, the existence of tourism destination elements in a tourism area provides satisfaction to tourists and encourages return visits and provides assistance to local communities such as raising income, quality of life and cultivating the spirit of cooperation and self-esteem towards the future development of heritage tourism destinations.
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In-Text Citation: (Yusof et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Yusof, N. M., A.C, E., Halim, U., Halimin, N. M. H., Othman, M. Z., Tambi, N., & Nawi, N. F. M. (2021). Heritage Tourism and Its Impact on The Local Communities: A Case Study in Ranau, Sabah. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 1710– 1735.