International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Key Factors the Influence Student’s Digital Start-Ups: A Study from Malaysian Entrepreneurial University

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Entrepreneurship which involves the creation of something valuable to society in terms of exercising one’s creativity and innovation which is applicable in an existing or new organization. Digital entrepreneurship has gained greater acceptance among economists specially by the youth as a major contributor of societal growth. With Digital entrepreneurship, the involvement of young fresh graduates into entrepreneurship field is increasing in public and in private sectors of the economy. This research examined the key factors that influence student’s digital start-ups using a conceptual model that includes various variables such as incubator or accelerator, industry collaboration, digital entrepreneurship integrated syllabus which influence the student’s digital start-ups. This research was conducted using a quantitative research method for Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) City Campus degree students, and 400 respondents participated in the study. The data collected was analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Based on data obtained from the questionnaire survey, various methods of data analysis such as descriptive analysis, reliability and linear regression were carried out. The findings show that the variables considered in the study with the highest descriptive analysis is the incubator or accelerator program is 3.887. While the highly positive correlation is to the industry collaboration. From the results, it could be concluded that incubator or accelerator program had significant impact on the student’s digital start-ups. The results of this research provide a direction towards the implementation of key factors that influence student’s digital start-ups and how that will impact the development of entrepreneurship among students and in Malaysia.
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