Business strategy is a means of achieving a competitive edge, and strategic implementation is a driving force for a company’s competitive and sustainable performance. The strategic management schools of thought presented ideal and philosophical perceptions about firms' strategies in prevailing circumstances. Unfortunately, managers' emphasis is more on crafted strategies than implementation; hence, the apparent difficulty for business firms to gain a gainfully competitive advantage and sustainable performance unless deliberate steps are taken by organizational leadership. The schools of thought posited worthless and insignificant value without synergistic integration and alignment into effective implementation. Strategy implementation remained the bane of businesses, despite the huge annual budget and expenditure on strategic development, as the performance of strategic business units (SBUs) and strategic management regrettably remained the same. Thus, synergistic integration of the strategic management of thoughts posited for strategic implementation is essential and a driving force for the survival of short- and long-term organizations. The study finding posit that the synergistic integration of schools of thought into effective strategy implementation has been neglected, and it recently became pertinent that strategic management must be considered toward enhancing effective firm performance. Therefore, this study aims at synergistic integration of the strategic management schools of thought into effective strategic implementation and organizational performance in the dynamic marketplace.
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