International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Accounting Internships: A Qualitative Investigation on Issues and Challenges

Open access
Internships have grown significantly in the accounting industry, especially when providing students with the knowledge and experience they require for future job opportunities. This study investigates the impact of internship experiences on accounting students' career preparedness. Employing the Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) and Social Cognitive Theory (SCCT), it theorises that these experiences enhance students' self-efficacy and professional outlook. A qualitative approach was adopted, and data was collected through interviews with accounting students. A total of 13 interviewees were involved in this study. Thematic analysis was applied to analyse the results provided by the interviews. The objectives of this study include exploring accounting students' perceptions of the value and impact of internship experiences, examining the skills and knowledge gained during internships and their relevance to future careers, and identifying challenges and successes related to internship programs in accounting education. The results show that internships assist in building up students' soft skills, such as professional networking, problem-solving, time management, and communication. This study also found that the interns' technical and soft capabilities can be enhanced through internships. Internship experience also allows accounting students to improve their confidence, which is vital for future career advancement. It helps to improve the preparedness of accounting students for working in the real world and their employability in the industry.
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