International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


How to Create Amazing Teacher Competency in Fink’s Taxonomy in Science Subjects?

Open access
Fink’s Taxonomy is defined as a learning model that develops student engagement, integrates students through a deep emotional level, and is self-directed. Fink’s Taxonomy, which is built with elements interacting with one another, allows teachers to apply the taxonomy to create significant learning. However, not many discussions are debating the issues related to Fink’s Taxonomy in Science subjects in the context of secondary schools. There are three main issues of Fink’s Taxonomy implementation expressed in this concept paper such as (i) teachers have no or only a little knowledge about Fink’s Taxonomy, ii) there are no policies and guidelines from the Ministry of Education Malaysia, and (iii) the ambiguity of Fink’s Taxonomy measurement in Science subjects in the context of secondary schools. This concept paper is unique because it elaborates on the issues faced in the implementation of Fink’s Taxonomy for Science subjects in the context of secondary schools. This study suggests that the implementation of Fink’s Taxonomy should be done to create significant learning in Science subjects. This paper needs to be given attention so that many researchers and the community become more aware of Fink’s Taxonomy by taking immediate action to systemize the implementation and measurement of the taxonomy. The proposed solutions can be developed through active research related to Fink’s Taxonomy, the provision of implementation guidelines by the Ministry of Education Malaysia, and the support of schools in creating significant learning.
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