International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Whistleblowing of Academic Dishonesty: Does Intergrity Culture Matter?

Open access

Rahayu Abdul Rahman, Hafidzah Hashim, Nisrin Ishak, Naimah Zaini, Syed Redzwan Sayed Rohani

Pages 1-11 Received: 02 Jan, 2023 Revised: 03 Feb, 2023 Published Online: 01 Mar, 2023
This study aims to investigate the intentions of Malaysian universities students toward whistleblowing on academic dishonesty and the factors that predict such intentions. This study used the survey method of research, and data was gathered through the use of questionnaires. A total of 165 undergraduate students from universities in Malaysia participated in the survey. The findings of this study show that gender and integrity culture are significantly related to the intention to report academic dishonesty. The findings of this study have implications for policymakers and university administrators who have a keen interest in enhancing whistleblowing activities and whistle-blower protection in mitigating unethical behaviour in higher education institutions.
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