International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Safe Driving Predictor Model among Drivers At Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Open access

Zainudin Abu Bakar, Halijah Ibrahim, Rohaya Talib, Hadijah Jaffri, Sitti Asmah Hassan, Mohamad Fauzi Ariffin, Li Yue

Pages 1380-1393 Received: 17 Feb, 2024 Revised: 20 Mar, 2024 Published Online: 22 Apr, 2024
This study was carried out with the aim of identifying the types of driver attitudes, safe driving behaviour, differences in attitudes based on road user categories - lecturers and students and driving experience as well as factors predicting attitudes towards safe driving behaviour. The study sample was among staff (n=91) and students (n=269). Sample selection was made using simple random sampling. The online questionnaire instrument was distributed openly to all staff and students via email and whatsapp. The responses received were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the study show that the mean driving attitude is at a fairly satisfactory level (2.93) with the mean response approaching the 'Almost True About Me In Many Situations' scale for staff and students. The mean of safe driving behaviour for staff is higher (2.53) compared to students (2.44). The mean can be interpreted as all samples whether staff or students show poor driving behaviour because the response is in the range of 'once in a while'. Further analysis found that there was no significant difference in driving attitudes based on gender and experience for staff and students. Nevertheless, correlation analysis shows a weak positive relationship between driving attitudes and safe driving behaviour for both sample categories. Analysis of predictors of driving attitudes for staff shows that all dimensions are predictors except haste. However, the six dimensions are predictors of driving attitudes among students. Next, the analysis of the predictors of safe driving behaviour among staff and students showed similar findings that all factors were significant predictors. Therefore, the Safe Driving Model for drivers in UTM related to driving attitudes and safe driving behaviour is proposed to improve driving performance on the road to reduce the risk of loss of life and property.
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