Organizations are made up of both human and material resources. It is the human resources of an organization that transform or convert the material resources of the organization into finished or consumable products. In trying to transform/convert the material resources of the organization, choices have to be made. Choices as to the type or kind of product to be produced, different materials to be used in order to have the desired product, the type of machinery to be adopted for production efficiency, the financial resources to be involved and its sources, etc. In any of these decisions, choices have to be made. These decisions or choices involve some kind of politics while the person making the choices or decisions uses some power to ensure that his/her choices or decisions are accepted. Thus, the influence of power and politics in organizations presents a political analysis of intraorganizational relations in which power play and politics is normal. In any organization, we look up to people/human resources for support. This accounts for the inevitability of organizational politics and power play. An understanding of organizational politics requires an analysis of power, coalitions, and bargaining. The power relationship is the contest for political action and encompasses the most basic issues underlying organizational politics. Infact, survival in an organization is a political act.
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