International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Teachers' Perceptions of School-Based In-Service Training (IST) Through Online Platform

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In-service training or IST is conducted to improve the efficiency of teachers in helping students achieve excellence in academics. This training also prepares teachers by focusing on the importance of 21st-century teaching skills, which requires teachers to use various approaches and technology-based support activities. In line with the development of technology and teachers' mastery of ICT skills has increased during the COVID-19 crisis, it is very easy for teachers without restrictions to follow the IST online. In line with the National Education Philosophy and the goals of the Malaysian Education Development Plan 2013-2025, in the second wave (2016-2020), MOE set goals to drive system improvement. This includes driving ICT innovation, especially for distance learning and self-learning. This study aims to examine the perception of teachers following internal IST online. The methodology of this study uses survey methods and quantitative design by collecting data using questionnaire instruments among teachers who attend IST online. The questionnaire involved 30 teachers who were randomly selected systematically in Gombak District. The findings show that ICT skills will help teachers in following IST which is held online. Therefore, teachers' perceptions show that they are satisfied when they follow IST which is conducted online.
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