International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring Perspective and Awareness of Traditional Sport Engagement Among Youth in Klang Valley

Open access

Norhasdalina Hasim, Rohaiza Mohamad Idaris, Hairin Nisa Meor Nordin, Ida Farina Md Yunus, Adlin Zahida Daut

Pages 1247-1258 Received: 10 Feb, 2024 Revised: 13 Mar, 2024 Published Online: 16 Apr, 2024
This research examines the awareness, perspectives, and engagement in traditional sports among youth in the Klang Valley. The study aims to examine the current level of awareness towards traditional sports, identify specific sports that youths are aware of, and explore their perspectives on interest in and attitudes towards traditional sports. In addition, the research aims to understand the factors that influence youths' decisions to participate in or forego traditional sports activities. The study collects data on levels of awareness, preferences, and influencing factors using a questionnaire-based approach. The results contribute to a comprehensive understanding of traditional sports' cultural and recreational landscape among youths in the Klang Valley. This research is essential for informing educational and community initiatives aimed at promoting and preserving traditional sports in the context of modern lifestyles. This research illuminates youths' awareness and engagement with traditional sports in the Klang Valley, provides insights into cultural preservation, and guides initiatives to promote these activities within the educational landscape.
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