International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Constructing the Basic Theoretical Framework of Kindergarten-based Curriculum Development: Definition, History, Characteristics and Approaches

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As an important part of the curriculum reform of basic education, the kindergarten-based curriculum development (KBCD) plays an important role in early childhood education (ECE). KBCD can not only promote the construction of kindergarten curriculum system, but also the improvement of children's education quality. This study used a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to analyze the basic theoretical framework of KBCD, which includes determining the topic, forming keywords, searching for literature, building & analyzing the themes, and forming conclusions. Ultimately, it was found that the basic theoretical system of KBCD in terms of definition, history, characteristics, and approaches has been constructed, but it needs to be continuously optimized and perfected in the face of the challenges of the post-epidemic era. This study is of great significance in that it not only provides a complete theoretical framework for KBCD definition, characteristics, and approaches, but also analyses in depth KBCD history, while the development history in Western countries and China are theoretically explained. These conclusions bring breakthrough significance and provide a theoretical basis for subsequent research.
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