International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Strange Vocabulary in Hadeeth Gharib al-Hadeeth and its Impact on Understanding Hadeeth

Open access

Rabie Ibrahim Mohamed Hassan, Mohamed Hamed Mohamed Said, Abdel Naser Abdel Galil Mohamed Mousa, Shaaban Abdelhameed Rrefae Mohamad

Pages 1105-1115 Received: 12 Feb, 2024 Revised: 14 Mar, 2024 Published Online: 17 Apr, 2024
The science of 'Gharib al-Hadeeth' is among the textual sciences "Al Matn" pivotal for understanding hadeeth, as it involves deducing Sharia rulings based on it. This science explores obscure words found in hadeeth texts, which are distant from common understanding due to their infrequent usage. However, the realm of the obscure has expanded due to the prevalence of foreign languages within the community, making Arabic seem like a foreign language to its speakers. Consequently, many are puzzled by words that are not inherently obscure. This research addresses this topic under the title "The Strange Vocabulary in Hadeeth "Gharib al-Hadeeth" and Its Impact on Understanding Hadeeth". Its objectives include defining Gharib al-Hadeeth, its origins, methods of comprehension, benefits of its study, prominent works in the field, and distinguishing between "Gharib al-Hadeeth" and "strange hadeeth". And the explanation of the criteria and rules by which we identify the strange vocabulary in Hadith, as well as the society's need to know this knowledge, and how to benefit from it in understanding the Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and the clarification of the original sources to which we refer to acquire this knowledge. The research problem lies in the presence of hadeeths whose understanding may be problematic for many Muslims due to difficult words and sentences. The research follows an inductive approach by examining the statements of lexicographers and authors of works in the science of Gharib al-Hadeeth. It adopts a deductive approach to derive general rules and regulations for understanding Gharib al-Hadeeth. Among the research findings: this art is one of the most important in hadeeth and language studies, and it is essential for hadeeth students to master it. Delving into the science of Gharib al-Hadeeth requires depth of research, and the best interpretation of Gharib al-Hadeeth is often found in another narration or through the narration of a companion or narrator of the story or hadeeth. Gharib al-Hadeeth belongs solely to the textual sciences "Al Matn". As for strange hadeeth, it belongs primarily to the sciences of "Isnad" chain of narration, and it may be used to denote the strangeness of the text, a consensus among hadeeth scholars.
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