International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Downsizing on Employee Loyalty

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Over the last few decades, workforce downsizing has become a common human resource technique among management. Different downsizing plans have been employed by numerous corporate units to reorganize their operations and provide more affordable products. Relevant literature on downsizing and employee loyalty was reviewed. Reduced size had a major negative effect on the remaining employees' devotion. This study helps to learn more about how downsizing affects the loyalty of employees who avoid layoffs as a result of downsizing. The purpose of this study is to shed more light on the relationship between downsizing and employee loyalty. According to the study's findings, employees' behaviour within their business would be impacted by their feelings of unease during the downsizing process. Furthermore, merely acknowledging a decline in morale as a foreseeable outcome could damage productivity and employee loyalty. It is vital for a manager overseeing downsizing to make sure that the employees who survive layoffs maintain their dedication and loyalty to the company; failure to do so may have a detrimental effect on their organizational loyalty.
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