International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Punctuality in The Light of Prophetic Guidance

Open access

Muhammad Akmalludin Mohd Hamdan, Muhammad Suhail Tsaqif Md Ishak, Muhammad Zulkifli Nor Azib, Mohd Zahir Abdul Rahman

Pages 800-808 Received: 08 Feb, 2024 Revised: 12 Mar, 2024 Published Online: 14 Apr, 2024
Punctuality is a positive and significant trait according to Islam. When examined, most of the acts of worship prescribed for Muslims such as prayers, zakat and hajj are tied to specific time periods. Failure to adhere to the stipulated time period will only result in the rejection of the act of worship in the eyes of Allah SWT. This explains the attachment of a Muslim's worship to a period that must be obeyed. Unfortunately, this practical adherence to time in worship is not practiced by some Muslims in worldly matters such as work and study. The more troubling thing is that this attitude of disobeying time has blossomed into the culture of some Muslim communities and remains a bad identity that is inherited. The objective of this article is to clarify the guidance and recommendations of the Prophet ? regarding punctuality in the daily life of a Muslim. The result of the study found that there are various hadith-reports that present indirect signals towards the importance of punctuality and the impact of neglecting it in the society. This study is expected to raise the awareness of the Muslim community in particular to emulate the Prophet ? in terms of respecting and observing time.
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