International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Traumatic Experience of Victim of Child Sexual Abuse

Open access
For children to develop in a healthy manner, they must have positive and healthy experiences. On the other hand, some children have gone through traumatic events as a result of early sexual abuse. X, a sixteen-year-old girl, was sexually abused by her own brothers from the age of six until fifteen. She was sexually abused and assaulted by her two brothers more than 20 times, and she has suffered from traumatic experiences up until this point. X experiences a range of symptoms, including behavior, emotion, physiology, spiritual, irrational beliefs and maladaptive coping. X acknowledges that the traumatic experience she went through is still plaguing her and that she needs assistance to deal with all the fallout. In order to support victims of child sexual abuse like X in her future development, it is hoped that the findings of this study will aid future researchers in creating and establishing a helping model.
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