International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Advancing Cultural Landscape through a Visual Quality Assessment Framework: A Literature Review

Open access
Visual aesthetic quality is a pivotal aspect in the assessment and preservation of cultural landscapes, particularly within the context of World Heritage Sites. These sites attain global recognition for their exceptional universal value, symbolizing both distinctive cultural and natural heritage. Notably, cultural landscapes, characterized by their aesthetic and visual qualities, frequently constitute a significant component of these recognized locations. This chapter delves into an extensive exploration of multidisciplinary literature, encompassing the research domains of cultural landscape, landscape visual quality, landscape aesthetic value, environmental perception, and preference. By undertaking a comprehensive review, this study synthesizes insights from diverse disciplines to form an integrated conceptual framework for evaluating visual quality in cultural landscapes. The examination extends beyond mere aesthetic considerations to encompass a holistic understanding of cultural landscapes, emphasizing their cultural, natural, and visual dimensions. This integrative approach aims to enhance the assessment methodologies employed in safeguarding and managing the visual aesthetics of World Heritage Sites and other culturally significant landscapes.
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