International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Conceptual Framework Model For Transformational Leadership of Unit Zakat Uitm Perlis Branch and its Relationship with The Customer Confidence in its Distribution and Satisfaction Level

Open access
Transformational leadership nowadays is seen as a very effective approach in managing any organisations. Transformational leadership is seen to have its own strength in the Islamic approach through the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who was sent to solve the problems of the ummah. A literature study on the construction of a conceptual framework for the transformation of the zakat unit in Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Perlis Branch and its relationship with the level of confidence and customer satisfaction is able to provide a proposed solution for a positive effect on the administration of the UiTM Perlis Branch’s zakat unit. This study is a proposal for a conceptual framework of transformational leadership and its relationship with the level of confidence and customer satisfaction for the purpose of being applied at UiTM Perlis Branch and providing opportunities for in-depth study through qualitative and quantitative methods in the future. This study was carried out in the form of a library research where information was gathered through books and journals related to transformational leadership and zakat management in Malaysia. The results of a qualitative study in the form of information exploration suggested a conceptual framework of transformational leadership and its relationship with the level of confidence and customer satisfaction to be applied at UiTM Perlis Branch in improving the governance of the Zakat, Sedekah and Wakaf (ZAWAF) section of UiTM Perlis Branch.
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