International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effect of Google Classroom-Assisted Learning on the Academic Achievement of Students

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The use of technology applications in education is undoubtedly quintessential nowadays. Therefore, the government has launched the Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA) (2020-2022) plan by concentrating on learning at home as one of the main plans. Besides, the Ministry of Education Malaysia has also introduced a virtual learning platform called Google Classroom or Digital Educational Learning Initiative Malaysia (DELIMa) at the school level. Nonetheless, the prevalence of economic teaching and learning approaches still depends on conventional learning. The existing approach contradicts constructivist learning and the necessities of the current generation Z, which concentrates on self-directed learning. This research intended to test the effect of Google Classroom-assisted learning on the achievement of economics students. This quasi-experimental study employed pre- and post-achievement tests to collect data on 207 Form Six economics students through random cluster sampling. After collecting and coded data, descriptive analysis and ANCOVA inference were performed. The results reported that the experimental group of students exposed to the collaborative approach (GCDK) and those not exposed to the collaborative approach (GCTK and KPK) differed insignificantly. To gather more extensive data, it is recommended that the prospective researchers interview a larger sample of studies in institutions that offer economics courses at the matriculation and diploma levels. This study drives educators to revise past teaching methods and be open-minded to accept current settings by acknowledging the resources and readiness of existing students in tackling the digital learning environment as the new norm today.
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