International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Internal Decision Factors, Strategic Decision Effectiveness and Resistance to change in KSA Universities

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The objectives of this article are two folds: firstly, to investigate the relationship between internal factors that affect decision making and the strategic decision effectiveness of KSA public universities. Secondly, to examine the mediating role of resistance to change on the relationship between the internal factors affecting decision making and the strategic decision effectiveness among staff of some KSA public universities. Quantitative method was used and structured questionnaire in a five Likert scale rating were distributed to 200 respondents selected from the public universities KSA. The SPSS 23 version was used to conduct the analysis of descriptive statistics, CPA and normality test. Measurement model analysis to determine internal consistency level, validity and reliability status were carried out in PLS version 3. Hypotheses of the study were tested using Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) in SmartPLS3. The findings indicate negative relationship between managerial attitude and strategic decision effectiveness in KSA public universities and positive relationship between university resources and strategic decision effectiveness. The resistance to change mediated the relationship between the university resources and the strategic decision effectiveness in KSA public universities; while it failed to mediate the relationship between the managerial attitude and strategic decision effectiveness. It is recommended that managers should accept changes where it is beneficial to the organization.
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