International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Level of University Students’ Involvements Based on Co-Curriculum Principles and Academic Achievements

Open access

Erwan Ismail, Wirda Syaheera Mohd Sulaiman, Ahmad Khairulanam Mohamad, Abu Yazid Abu Bakar

Pages 77-82 Received: 01 Feb, 2024 Revised: 02 Mar, 2024 Published Online: 03 Apr, 2024
Research and Development (R&D) in the co-curriculum field in education among higher educational institutions are dominant to further enhance the quality of the education to ensure the co-curricular element that is instilled can give a higher impact on the students. This study comprises of 213 respondents sampled among students of the Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). The result shows the student's involvement based on the eight co-curricular principles had shown that all co-curricular principles achieved average with the min value of min=3.20. The result of the analysis showed that students’ involvement in community service is the highest with the min value of min=3.624. Whereas the lowest students’ involvement in co-curricular activities was public speaking with min=2.735. The findings showed that overall, the min value from one semester to another had shown an increment of 2.0% (min=0.08) from 3.03 to 3.11. There was no significant correlation test between the level of involvement in co-curricular activities and the students’ level of academic achievement received the value of p=0.480 which showed p > 0.05. This study manages to obtain information regarding the level of students' involvement in co-curricular activities based on the eight IPT co-curriculum principal and their relation to the academic achievement of students.
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