International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Effect of Leadership Behaviors and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: A Conceptual Framework

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This study aims to examine the effect of leadership behaviors—specifically, empowering leadership behavior (ELB), micromanagement leadership behavior (MLB), and transformational leadership behavior (TLB)—on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Furthermore, it investigates the mediating role of job satisfaction (JS) in the relationship between leadership behaviors and OCB. The study proposes a comprehensive conceptual framework, grounded in existing theories and pertinent literature on leadership behaviors and employee OCB. Utilizing a quantitative approach, the research will employ a survey questionnaire to collect data from employees of private commercial banks in Bangladesh. The sample will be drawn from the top five banks in Dhaka, employing a stratified random sampling technique. Data analysis will be conducted using the SmartPLS statistical method software to discern the intricate relationships between the variables. Anticipated outcomes include insights into (a) the influence of ELB, MLB, and TLB on OCB and (b) the potential impact of employee job satisfaction on heightened OCB. The study contributes to academic discourse by opening avenues for further research in organizational management, particularly within the banking sector. The empirical evidence derived from the study offers valuable perspectives on how leadership behaviors shape employee conduct, specifically concerning OCB. These findings hold practical significance for practitioners, guiding the formulation and implementation of strategies aimed at fostering OCB and improving organizational effectiveness.
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