International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Comparative Analysis of Physics Syllabi: Uitm Foundation Physics Vs. Cambridge International As Level Physics

Open access
In recent years, Malaysian universities have increased their offerings of foundation degrees. Transitioning from a foundation to an honors degree is now a popular path in higher education. This often involves moving from a further education institution to a higher one. Foundation students may struggle with the university syllabus, so it's important to provide a high-quality, international standard syllabus, especially in subjects like foundation Physics, to help them succeed. This paper reports on the syllabus comparison between UiTM Foundation Physics syllabus with the Cambridge International AS Level Physics. It highlights the differences between both syllabuses and in the aim to improvise the UiTM Foundation Physics syllabus as to strengthen the students’ foundation knowledge before they pursue to the degree level. The outcome presented here suggests an explicit finding that UiTM Foundation Physics syllabus is a complete one-year studies and covers more than the Cambridge International AS Level Physics syllabus.
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