International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Construction and Validation of A Conceptual Entrepreneurship Competency Model for Politics and Law Majors

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In terms of the study of entrepreneurship competency, significant progress has been made by many scholars. Several entrepreneurship competency models have been built up focusing more on what the general sub-competencies are included, but the specific competency differences and special competency requirements for different colleges and majors are ignored, making them not applicable for all the teaching and learning subjects, for example, the politics and law majors. Till now, although some scholars in China have done some research on the entrepreneurship competency of undergraduates majoring in politics and law in some universities, there is still relatively little research in this area for political and law majors in higher vocational colleges of political science and law. Hence, in view of this situation, based on literature analysis, expert interviews and additional surveys, this paper focused on the construction and the validation of a conceptual entrepreneurship competency model (ECM) that conforms to the specific characteristics of higher vocational colleges of political science and law. The study was conducted in two phases: entrepreneurship competencies’ identification and model construction from literature review, documents analysis and interviews (n=12) in phase I for educators and excellent performers and validation of the model in the form of questionnaires (n = 416) in phase II, during which, the reliability and validity of the instrument were checked to ensure the operability of the model.
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