International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Parental Satisfaction with Inclusive Education of Student with Autism

Open access
The Inclusive Education Program was introduced by the Ministry of Education for students with special education needs, including students with autism, to provide quality education. With this, students with autism have the same qualifications as typical students. Parents play an essential role in the education of students with autism. Studies on parental satisfaction with inclusive education have found a need for more discussion in Malaysia. Therefore, this study aims to explore parents' satisfaction with implementing inclusive education for students with autism. The qualitative study uses a case study by interviewing ten parents whose children with autism have attended inclusive education in primary school. The data findings were analysed thematically using Nvivo 14 software. The study's findings showed that seven respondents with high-functioning autism were satisfied. In comparison, three respondents who have low-functioning autism were less satisfied. Respondents who have low-functioning autism were found not to receive exposure from teachers. Inclusive education was successful in achieving high-functioning autism. The success of inclusive education is closely related to parents, teachers, and multidisciplinary groups. In conclusion, parents, teachers, and schools must work to ensure that no children are left behind in the opportunity to receive an education.
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