International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Mediating Role of Technology During the Covid-19 Pandemic on Guest Convenience and Service Quality of Hotels

Open access
The study aimed to investigate the impact of technology on enhancing guest convenience and service quality in hotels during the pandemic in the four (4) and five (5) star hotels in the National Capital Region (NCR) Metro Manila, Philippines. The Pearson-Correlation revealed that there was a significant relationship exists and it implies that the better the quality of services, the better the assessment of service convenience on the part of the hotel guests. In addition, the Covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) analysis revealed significant positive effects of technological integration on both guest convenience and perceived service quality. The key contribution of this paper lies in its novel examination of technology as a mediator in the hotel industry during a global crisis, providing valuable insights for hotel managers and stakeholders in strategizing their services and operations for improved customer satisfaction and business resilience.
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