International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Strategies for Entrepreneurs with Disabilities to Expand Their Businesses: A Multi Method Study

Open access
This multi method study seeks to identify and rank strategies for entrepreneurs with disabilities (EWDs) to expand their businesses. Sixteen EWDs were interviewed, and the themes identified became feeder for the first round Delphi method which involved 26 non-EWDs experts. A total of 51 keywords which were then consolidated into eight strategies. In the second round of the Delphi method, the eight strategies ranked by 22 experts based on order of importance from highest (most important strategy) to lowest (least important strategy) are as follows: 1. Business fundamental, 2. Ecosystem, 3. Collaboration, 4. NGO and government agencies, 5. Digital transformation, 6. New business venture, 7. Education and training, and 8. Personality development. The researchers recommended an integrated approach for key stakeholders, as well as policymakers, to develop an inclusive and caring eco-system, while developing structured intervention programs to monitor and mentor promising EWDs so that they can realise their full potential. In addition, policies on disabled persons in Malaysian need to be reformed to be comparable to those in advanced economies. Further action research and tracer studies could be conducted to better understand the phenomenon. Finally, comparative research on EWD programs and policies with other neighboring countries, as well as more complex and advanced qualitative analyses involving moderators and mediators are recommended accordingly.
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