International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Rural Land Dispute Resolution through Xinfang System: A Systematic Literature Review

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The management of mechanisms for resolving rural land disputes has become increasingly important against the backdrop of rapid urbanization in China. The escalating number of land expropriation disputes has emerged as a critical issue, necessitating proper management to prevent conflicts. This study aims to provide an empirical overview of this field through a systematic literature review, with a particular focus on the use of the Xinfang system in resolving land expropriation disputes. Utilizing the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) as the primary data source, a meticulous search and screening process resulted in the inclusion of 54 thematically relevant articles for analysis. This review concentrates on identifying the primary causes of land expropriation disputes, common resolution strategies, and the role and effectiveness of the Xinfang system in rural land dispute resolution. The research reveals that institutional environment, structural frameworks, and operational mechanisms are the main factors influencing the resolution of land expropriation disputes, with their dynamic interplay playing a decisive role. Based on these findings, the study suggests that optimizing the structure and operational mechanisms of the Xinfang system, along with strengthening the institutional environment, can significantly enhance its capacity to resolve land disputes. This provides valuable insights and recommendations for government and relevant agencies in formulating land policies and improving mechanisms for resolving land disputes.
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